Printing, Faxing, Laminating & Scanning
The printer/copier is located in the library office and a library staff member will make your copies for you.
All printers default to black ink. Please check with librarian if need color.
- $.15 – letter size (8 ½ x 11)
- $.20 – legal size (8 ½ x 14)
- $.25 – 11 x 17
- Double sided: additional $.05 per page
- COLOR COPIES: $.50 per page
Library does not provide any specialized paper (photo, transparency, card stock, etc.)
Fees remain same even if use own paper.
Our library does have a fax machine which is open to use by the public. Faxes can both be sent and received at the library during normal operating hours. Our Fax number is: 1-712-469-3076. The fax machine is located in the library office and a library staff member will process the fax for you. A printed copy of the confirmation of transmission is included in the fee.
The fees are:
- $1.00 per page to send, no international calls
- $.50 per page to receive
The laminator is located in the library office and will be handled only by a library staff member.
- 4x8 pouch -- $.30
- Letter pouch -- $.60
- Legal pouch -- $.90
The library has a scanner available to the public. The scanner can only be used on the computer closest to the circulation desk.